Buick Enclave manuals

Buick Enclave: File System and Naming

The song name that displays is the song name contained in the ID3 tag.

If the song name is not present in the ID3 tag, the radio displays the file name without the extension (such as .mp3) as the track name.

Track names longer than 32 characters or four pages are shortened. Parts of words on the last page of text and the extension of the filename do not display.


 Preprogrammed Playlists

Preprogrammed playlists that were created using WinAmp™, MusicMatch™, or Real Jukebox™ software can be accessed; however, they cannot be edited using the radio. These playlists are treated a

 Playing a CD-R or CD-RW MP3

(Tune): Turn to select MP3/WMA files. SEEK: Press to go to the start of the track, if more than 10 seconds have played. Press and hold or press multiple times to continue moving backward thro

 Connecting a USB Storage Device or iPod®

To connect a USB storage device, connect the device to the USB port located in the instrument panel storage area. See Instrument Panel Storage  for more information. The USB port can be used


 Tire Chains

WARNING Do not use tire chains. There is not enough clearance. Tire chains used on a vehicle without the proper amount of clearance can cause damage to the brakes, suspension, or other vehicle parts. The area damaged by the tire chains could cause loss of control and a crash. Use another typ

 Battery Voltage and Charging Messages

BATTERY SAVER ACTIVE This message displays when the system detects that the battery voltage is dropping below expected levels. The battery saver system starts reducing certain features of the vehicle that you may be able to notice. At the point that the features are disabled, this message is

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